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The heat wave has done wonders for what we're growing out back....which is pretty cool because I can kill a cactus. So far the basil plants just keep on giving. We've grown a few tomatoes too, which are just turning the corner.

The heat wave has done wonders for what we're growing out back....which is pretty cool because I can kill a cactus.  So far the basil plants just keep on giving.  We've grown a few tomatoes too, which are just turning the corner.  I don't think it's just my backyard either, it's been a bumper crop for alot of other things in Vancouver.

I'm already scheming what I'm going to do with it all....pesto...bocconcini and tomato salads.... and this recipe.  I've got the best deli in the world on the other side of my alley to buy everything needed that doesn't grow in my back yard so I don't have to leave my block for this one.

This recipe is great my mom gets me a cookbook every year and I must confess I knicked it from a famous cook who you might knick or pinch something don't have to cook anything other than the noodles and it's vegetarian too for those who are going through that phase. (kidding...kinda)


Recipe on next page!!  Oh...and please share what you are doing with what's growing in your backyard!!!

1 package dried spaghetti or something relatively thin...

6oz almonds (you can use walnuts or pine nuts too, toast 'em first a bit)

6oz Parm!

Garlic (one clove which for me means two)

Lots of basil (handfuls!  like 3 or 4)

Tomatoes (a pound and a half, Cherry or Romas work best)

Olive Oil (Get something decent!)

1. Cook pasta

2. Grind up or chop up basil and garlic, I use a food processor.

3. Go nuts on your nuts.  I throw them in a food processor.  Smashing them is messy.  If you don't have a food processor....grow the hell up...

4. Mix them together in a big bowl with the parm.

5. Add Olive glug....two glug....

6. This is the best part....put your tomatoes in the bowl and just go nuts with your hands.  Squeeze them...mash the whole thing up until it's well mixed.  Be sure you aren't wearing your favourite t-shirt.  Add your S&P and maybe a little bit more Olive oil if it's kinda dry.

7. Drain your pasta, keep a bit of the water in there just so the noodles will be loose, then add in the sauce bit by bit until you get as much as you want in there.

