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Vancouver bike rental business renting bikes for dirt cheap during transit strike

One Vancouver-based bicycle rental and tour company is stepping up to the plate by offering inexpensive bike rentals for locals during the planned 3-day transit strike.

 This local bike rental business will be offering $5 bike rentals for Metro Vancouver residents during the three-day bus and SeaBus strike planned for November 27-29, 2019. Photo: This local bike rental business will be offering $5 bike rentals for Metro Vancouver residents during the three-day bus and SeaBus strike planned for November 27-29, 2019. Photo: Van City Bikes/Facebook

When the buses aren't running in Metro Vancouver for this week's planned three-day operators' strike, getting around for thousands and thousands of people who rely on TransLink is going to prove challenging.

One Vancouver-based bicycle rental and tour company, however, is stepping up to the plate by offering inexpensive - actually, dirt cheap - bike rentals that are less than half the cost of a TransLink day pass.

Van City Bikes will be renting bicycles for just $5 per day.

Owner and Operations Manager Shane Cooke tells Vancouver Is Awesome that on November 27, 28, and 29 Van City Bikes will drop the price down to $5 from its usual $45 to anyone who lives in Metro Vancouver.

"The rider will need to come to our shop and present a valid ID and credit card and sign our waiver form," explains Cooke. "The rider will be responsible for the bike. They can pick it up at any time during opening hours and once its back within 24hrs it will only be $5. The bikes can be held for multiple days."

What's more, Van City Bikes will also provide helmets and locks to customers.

Van City Bikes is located conveniently in Waterfront Station, out of which the SkyTrain and Canada Line and West Coast Express will continue to operate during the bus and SeaBus strike. During the winter months, Van City Bikes is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cooke says he knows the business will take a loss on these rentals, but he wants to give locals an option to get around when the buses and SeaBus aren't running.