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Don’t click: B.C. residents receiving scam texts offering $100 ‘reward’ for being vaccinated

Minister of Health says it's a scam.
covid reward scam
Some residents have been receiving this text message.

The B.C. Ministry of Health is warning the public to not click on text messages offering a $100 reward for being vaccinated.

“Provincial Health-Care* As a reward for the high level of vaccination, BC health service is rewarding you with $100,” reads the text.

There is then a live link to click on, but the health minister says don’t click on it.

“The text message in question is a scam,” reads a health minister statement to the NOW. “Individuals are advised to not click on the link and immediately delete the text if received. We are aware of the COVID- and vaccine-themed scams happening in B.C. and we’re taking all reasonable steps to prevent fraudulent activity. Cyber criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated and while government works hard to protect people’s information, all British Columbians should be just as careful and aware of cyber threats and protect their online information. It’s important to never respond to spam or phishing emails and never click on a link embedded within a suspicious email – links may be infected with malicious programs.”
The B.C. government has posted some tips for keeping your information secure safe and protecting yourself from fraud:
If someone believes they have received a fraudulent message or phone call, they can report it to the Canadian Antifraud Centre:
“Public Health strongly encourages that eligible British Columbians get fully vaccinated as it is the best thing they can do to keep themselves, their loved ones and their communities safe from COVID-19,” said the statement.