You've likely heard of the Georgia Straight's Best of Vancouver (COUGH), Business In Vancouver's 40 Under 40, the Westender's Best of the City, Vancouver Magazine's Restaurant Awards and maybe even our very own Most Awesome Awards that we're publishing in our 2014 print annual. But have you heard of the upcoming 30 Under 30 awards being launched by BCBusiness?
A friend shared the link to the nomination form for these awards with me, posing the cynical question "Are there even 30 people under 30 doing award-worthy work in this province?", which in my eyes is exactly the genius of it. They're seeking to expose emerging business leaders, ones we may not have even heard of yet, and celebrate them. The "young guns who excel in their respective industries, give back to their community and planet and who will lead business in this province for years to come". I can't think of stories I'd rather read in a business magazine than those of young folks edging their way in with fresh businesses built on fresh ideas. No offence to the tried and true gray hairs who have done much work in building the business culture in our province but I've heard most of your stories and I'm personally excited to hear about the kids who will have the same colour of hair as you some day... and the same accolades and achievements.
Do you know a keen entrepreneur who's less than 30 and is doing amazing things? Learn more about 30 Under 30 and nominate someone HERE!