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Stick in Link: Burrows didn't cross the line, Miller likes his big pants

Also, Remembrance Day, bad Chris Higgins hair, and the Sedins are good.
Stick in link
Stick in link

It’s time for “Stick in Link”, the feature where we just plug in a bunch of stuff written by others! Featuring a smattering of links from around the Smylosphere and beyond every Tuesday and Thursday. Warning: our links are so hyper, they change colour when exposed to heat. (Have something for us to share in the next edition? E-mail us at [email protected] or tweet us @passittobulis. Or tell us some other way. The point is: we'll probably link it if we know about it.)


  • The Canucks flew into Ottawa on Tuesday night, which meant they were able to attend the Remembrance Day ceremony at the National War Memorial on Wednesday. The players found it to be a moving experience. Also, Jacob Markstrom calls Justin Trudeau “the boss.” [Fort Nucks]
  • For more pictures of the Canucks at the ceremony, as well as practice photos, including a shot of just how close Derek Dorsett came to losing an eye and some truly horrific hair from Chris Higgins, check out the latest Behind The Lens. [Canucks]
  • Jim Benning’s trades, even the ones that have seemed incredibly foolish, have pretty much all worked out really well. Suspiciously well. Mainly they’ve been working out because horrible things happen to the players he gets rid of… [Canucks Army]
  • Alex Burrows doesn’t think he crossed the line when he trash-talked Jordin Tootoo and insists it had nothing to do with Tootoo’s heritage or personal history. Still, he will be talking to the league on Friday about the incident. Hopefully this will all turn out to be a wacky misunderstanding based entirely around Burrows’ completely indecipherable French accent. “I didn’t call you a f***ing turd: I said ‘good luck in the third.” [Vancouver Sun]
  • Ryan Miller is understandably sensitive about the idea of shrinking goalie equipment, partly because he broke his thumb while using a blocker that had less protection. Also, he questions why Ray Ferraro is obsessed with his pants. [The Province
  • There’s no goalie controversy in Vancouver right now, which means it’s the right time for an article about how Miller isn’t concerned about the possibility of a goalie controversy, right? Right. [Sportsnet]
  • Speaking of goalies, are we making enough of this save by Jacob Markstrom? I don’t think we’re making enough of this save.

  • Dimitri Filipovic has noticed something unusual: the Sedins are still good. Remember when everyone was talking about how they had “lost a step” and “gotten hella old” and “looked like a couple grandpas” and “are literally the worst players in the NHL”? Remember that? Well, all those people were wrong and stupid: the Sedins are still dope as hell. Dimitri says all this with more numbers and stats and charts and stuff. [Canucks Army
  • Along the same vein, Rob Vollman put together a 35+ All-Star team and courted controversy: Daniel is on the team, but Henrik isn’t. [NHL
  • As I’ve been saying all along, Jannik Hansen belongs with the Sedins. I just haven’t been saying it like this: “Jannik Hansen might sound like Kermit from time to time, or all the time, but when he’s with the Sedins….he’s an Animal.” [Always90Four
  • This is a pretty cool story about Fin showing up at a wedding. Don’t worry, he was invited, and he only ate, like, two guests, so it’s cool. [Canucks
  • Brandon Prust’s fiancee said that hearing about Prust getting traded from Montreal to Vancouver “was like going from being the happiest girl in the world to the saddest.” [Montreal Gazette
  • One of those players in the Canucks’ system that has been getting a lot of attention is Anton Rodin, but he apparently just suffered a broken collarbone, which might derail his hopes of getting back to the NHL a little bit. And yes, he does want to play for the Canucks.