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FITNESS GOOP: Get your pre-baby bod back

So, youve just welcomed your new bundle of joy into the world and now you want your body back. Well, first off, congratulations. Now, if youre ready to lose your pregnancy pounds, here are some tips.

So, youve just welcomed your new bundle of joy into the world and now you want your body back. Well, first off, congratulations. Now, if youre ready to lose your pregnancy pounds, here are some tips.

If you havent considered exercising, now is a great time to start. First of all, you will need your strength back to perform your duties as Mom: lifting, carrying and holding the little one. And dont forget about hauling that stroller up and down the stairs and in and out of the car.

Energy and strength are things youre going to need to cope with during those grueling back-to-back late nights and early mornings. Exercise will give you that.

Other benefits of postpartum exercise are: improved immune function and injury prevention by protecting your joints. And lastly, who wouldnt want to be a new mom with a rocking body?

With exercise you are better able to maintain your lean body mass.

Here are some of the most common questions I get about dropping the post-baby weight: can I workout right after baby is born? Are there any exercises that I should avoid? Can I start to train my abs? And how intense should I keep my workout sessions?

While you are in a hurry to get your body back to where it was pre-pregnancy, remember every body is different. What works for one new mother may not work for another.

This is why it is important to consult your doctor for clearance. The advice given to you by your doctor will probably be different than the advice your fellow new mommies receive.

Also, remember to ease back into a workout routine. Depending on your previous fitness level you can do modified versions of exercises that you are used to doing.

If you are new to exercise you have different options. There are group classes for new moms, DVDs, books and personal trainers. If going the personal training route, be sure to hire someone with a specialized certification in prenatal and postpartum exercise training.

Here are some activities to help keep the weight off:

n Ease back into things by starting to walk until you feel up to more vigorous exercise. Grab your comfy sneakers and the baby and start out with shorter distances, then eventually build up to touring your neighborhood.

n Throw a baby tunes CD into your stereo system and boogie down with your newborn.

n Start or find a circle of moms to take exercise classes with. This is fun and motivational at the same time. Ask your gym, doctor, or search the internet for other exercising new mothers.

n Stock up on healthy snacks. Keep the junk snacks to a minimum in the house

n Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water

Along with exercise and good eating, rest is needed for any weight loss program. It may be hard at first as a new mom, but create time to rest up.

Natasha Linton for