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FITNESS GOOP: How to avoid running cramps

Spring is here and the days are getting longer and brighter. Its a nice time to get out for a run or start a training program for an upcoming race. Whether you are a new or experienced runner, running cramps can show up at unexpected times.

Spring is here and the days are getting longer and brighter. Its a nice time to get out for a run or start a training program for an upcoming race. Whether you are a new or experienced runner, running cramps can show up at unexpected times.

Running cramps can turn a run into a walk. There are many types of cramps that a runner can experience and there are also a few ways to avoid these unpleasant sensations.

One type of cramp is a muscle cramp that is caused by dehydration, not warming the muscle up enough or heat exhaustion. As the weather gets warmer its important to stay hydrated and replenish the body with adequate amounts of electrolytes. Warming up and cooling down are very important aspects of training. Incorporating a simple yoga or stretching routine will help the muscles stay relaxed before and after workouts.

Another type of cramping is caused by shallow breathing. A side stitch is an intense sharp pain under the ribcage that can show up during a run. Also known as an exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP), the discomfort may be caused by the internal organs (liver, stomach) pulling down on the diaphragm. Conditioning the body by using a training program will help these side stitches subside.

There are a few ways to avoid cramping.

Beginner runners can use a walk-run program to keep breathing in control and avoid a side stitch. Try deep breathing with a full exhalation during intense running sessions.

Eating and drinking two to three hours before allows your body to digest the food before exercising. Running on soft surfaces will also help to prevent a side stitch. When a side stitch occurs, try slowing the run down and focus on controlling your breath. With your fingers push on the abdomen where the pain is and deeply breathe with focus on the exhalation. Relax your mind and take the focus off the side stitch and onto the breath. When the body and diaphragm relaxes the contraction will subside.

So, to keep the running cramps away, follow these tips:

1. Proper hydration: Drinking water and replenishing electrolytes before, during and after training runs. Coconut water is a great post workout drink.

2. Stretching/yoga: Stretching before and after a run can eliminate muscle cramps. Incorporating yoga into a training program helps bring balance to the body.

3. Warming up, cooling down: Proper warm-up and cool-down after workouts helps bring blood flow to the muscles to prevent cramps and soreness.

4. Awareness of breath: Shallow breathing can cause a side stitch as the body is not getting enough oxygen. Calming down the breath and taking deep exhales can help clear away any cramping

5. Nutrition: Eating several hours before a training session gives the body time to properly digest the food. Carbohydrates are digested easily in the body. Protein and fat take longer to digest.

By maintaining a mindful training program and listening to your body, you should be on the way to some fun spring running.

Katherine Moore for