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FITNESS GOOP: Reduce your stress in just 15 minutes

Heres the funny thing about stress management: when people are under stress, they genuinely believe theres no time for relaxing or being healthy.

Heres the funny thing about stress management: when people are under stress, they genuinely believe theres no time for relaxing or being healthy.

Yet a 15-minute investment or an adjustment in attitude is sometimes all it takes to keep it together, and even improve a stressful experience.

Interestingly, as little time as there seems to be in a busy, hectic schedule, people somehow find time managing stress in ways that actually drain them more, such as taking a cigarette break, having a drink, watching mindless TV, emotional eating or ranting/complaining on the phone or through e-mail.

Its helpful to actually consider some of things that would truly help, and generate a checklist of stress management choices. The following are five examples of areas where you can choose to support your mental, emotional and physical needs during times of strain. Use these as a check-in tool to see if you have made choices to support yourself. Even if you think you have zero time to devote to one of these items, youll be surprised what a difference investing a few minutes will make on your entire experience of stress:

Reducing stimulation: If your nerves are frayed, the last thing your system needs is excess sensory input. Finding ways to reduce volume, give your eyes a rest, or reduce interaction with others is a great self-preservation technique. Earplugs help, as does recognizing over-stimulating situations such as loud movies, video games, busy clubs or restaurants and crowded events. Sometimes it just helps to dim the lights in your space and refuse any noise other than calming music. Even 15 minutes of this can help.

Steering clear of draining relationships: All relationships hold a unique dynamic. Some fill us up with joy and energy, and then there are complicated dynamics with friends and families. If you find you have a few of the latter in your life, youre not alone. This is the nature of human interaction. If that family event or those passive aggressive exchanges with your oldest pal are going to strain you during a busy stretch, decline invitations or reschedule. Its OK to be direct and share that youre feeling maxed-out and are unable to participate. Its not OK to actually talk to them about how the relationship is draining you. When youre red-lining, the last thing you need is an emotional confrontation. Save this conversation for another time when you can handle it.

Expression: Do you have a talent or hobby that really fills your heart and makes you feel alive? Expressing yourself through whichever that is (singing, dancing, cooking, artwork, music, writing, gardening) is vital to your being and your sense of balance. If you can preserve a segment of time to express through your preferred medium, you will be re-filling your cup indeed.

Swap coffee for life-giving fuel: Nourishing foods make a world of difference on your ability to cope. Take your adrenal glands, for example, they produce the hormone adrenaline, which puts your system into fight-or-flight mode. This in itself is a strain on your system, yet if youre rushed and subsisting on sugary snacks and coffee, youre basically playing head games with your adrenal glands, not to mention insulin levels. It really helps to limit your caffeine and refined sugar intake, no matter how easy and quick and satisfying these short-lived boosts are.

Your body and brain need high-quality fuel to handle strains effectively. Adequate protein, green vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds are the key. Ifyou have no time for prepping healthy food, take green supplements in capsules or powder form, pack a protein bar and a piece of fruit or buy a smoothie. Ordering your fruit and nuts through an organic home delivery service can save time. There are too many healthy-to-go solutions on the market these days not to make better choices.

Movement: The cheapest and most effective form of stress-management is using your body for what it was designed to do: move and breathe. Again, think of the return on your investment of a simple 15 minutes. What can you do in 15 minutes?A brisk walk to help get your heart rate up and also increase your oxygen intake. A mini yoga session. Elliptical, treadmill, climber, stationary bike.

Even if its just 15 minutes, youre tending to your physiological needs. When you fail to give your body (your operating system) what it needs, stress actually compounds.

You get to choose whether to feed the stress or get off the train. If you push a small moment of renewal up to the top of your priority list, you are boosting your ability to cope, to make it out the other side. Stress management is all about empowering yourself to handle what comes your way. Life doesnt stop handing you curve balls, so you may as well invest in a catchers mitt.

Lara Williams, a Vancouver-based life coach, for