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FOODIE Q&A: Chambar pastry chef Celeste Mah

You are... Celeste Mah, pastry chef at Chambar Restaurant (562 Beatty Street, Crosstown, 604-879-7119, Chambar.

You are... Celeste Mah, pastry chef at Chambar Restaurant (562 Beatty Street, Crosstown, 604-879-7119,

Describe your cooking and/or the theme of your restaurant: Chambar offers all of the elements of fine dining, but we keep it casual and fun. Nico Schuermans dishes are a unique pairing of Belgian and North African cuisine, and the desserts are never an afterthought.

We might also find you dining out at...

at Bao Bei because the food is delicious and the decor is unique. I love Ensemble for the staff (mostly old co-workers of mine from Lumiere and db bistro moderne), and Dales food is phenomenal. I also frequent Two Chefs and a Table because its close to home, the food is tasty and the coffee is really good. For brunch, youll find me at The Red Wagon for the pulled pork pancakes with Jack Daniels maple syrup.

Your dream dinner date: I know I should say something profound like Shakespeare, but honestly, I think Im going to have to go with Matt Zuccaro our sous chef at Chambar. I really feel that if we spent more time together wed become best friends. Besides, the boy looks good in a cape and I know I could show him a thing or two on how to improve his high kick.

Last nights dinner: Instant Ramen Noodles at home on my couch, solo, at 2:30am. After working all day, I went to Fortune Sound Club with friends to see Dada Life. It was a late one and my tummy did not like me all that much the morning after.

If you had a date with the electric chair, your last meal order would be... Im single and Im always up for a date, but Im going to have to say that the electric chair is one date I would not show up for. Not even if dinner is included. No thanks.

Youd gag if you ate... liver. Like the kind your grandma would make with onions. My mom tried making us eat it once as kids. Disgusting. Like, what is it? Boiled? Its all gray looking and mushy in your mouth. I want to throw-up just thinking about it.

Youd be happiest at Happy Hour with... any sort of bourbon or whiskey drink, served with a big plate of nachos (with all the fixings), and a room full of hot guys.

Secret treats: I mentioned my lust for late night instant Ramen Noodles earlier, but what I didnt say was that I usually gourmet those noodles up. I like to add garlic, ginger, veggies, dumplings and sesame oil. When theyre almost done I crack an egg over top, turn off the heat, cover the pot with the lid and let the egg poach. Once poached, breaking that egg and letting the yolk mix with the broth results in instant ramen heaven. Sounds good right?

Youd take a long flight in economy class for that one meal in... Paris. I would eat double my body weight in bread, cheese and charcuterie, wash it all down with wine and then take a quick nap before waking-up to eat freshly baked brioche, pain au chocolate and gulp cafe au laits by the bowlful. Its not two meals if you nap in between.

Menu suggestion for a hassle-free, sit-down dinner party for six): I can bake, but I really cant cook, so my hassle-free dinner is always something nice and easy. Id start off with fresh oysters on the half shell and champagne, followed by a salad of fresh herbs, seeds and some sort of cheese (maybe goat cheese). My go-to entrée is always roasted chicken with veggies, potatoes and this amazing cauliflower dish that Brad Hendrickson (sous chef at Ensemble) taught me how to make. For dessert, a simple vanilla ice cream finished with honey-roasted strawberries.

Five must-have ingredients in your kitchen: Sugar, flour, chocolate, salt and love. Sometimes I blow kisses into my batters or talk to them to let them know that Im there and I care.