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Video: West Van pastry shop warns of tip jar thief

Temper Chocolate & Pastry's co-owner said they posted a video to Instagram to warn other businesses

A West Vancouver cafe is getting the word out after a tip jar was stolen in broad daylight.

Around closing time on Wednesday (Aug. 3), staff at Temper Chocolate and Pastry realized the jar was missing and told co-owner Steve Hodge.

"They had a feeling someone took it," Hodge said. He reviewed the security camera footage, which shows a man hiding the tip jar under his suit jacket and walking out of the store.

According to staff, the man ordered a sandwich, appeared to swipe his credit card, but then said it wasn't working and he was going to run to his car. He didn't return.

A video was posted to Temper's Instagram page Wednesday evening. "It's for other businesses in the area just in case he does it again," Hodge explained.

Hodge said a similar theft happened at Bean Around the World in West Vancouver a few months ago. A staff member at the Ambleside location confirmed a tip jar was stolen there as well.

"I've been in the restaurant industry for a long time," Hodge said. "I've seen this before, but never here. We've been here for nine years in Dundarave."

Going forward, Temper's policy will be to empty the tip jar throughout the day.

"Hopefully the customers bring in some wine for my retail staff, Hodge said. "They can all go drinking together."

Hodge filed a report with West Vancouver police. The department was contacted for comment, but a media officer wasn't available to make a statement.

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