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Petition started to toughen up B.C. border controls amid COVID-19

Petition aimed at B.C. Premier John Horgan

Do you want to see interprovincial border controls toughed up?

There’s a petition for that.

The petition was started by Meloda Ma and has nearly 1,000 signatures as of Monday afternoon.

“BC is now in its third wave of the COVID pandemic with more dangerous variants circulating in the province,” Ma writes. “Yet Premier John Horgan is unwilling to put in strong measures to prevent interprovincial travel to protect BC citizens and our neighbours. Horgan is hoping to discourage non-essential interprovincial travel with new signs at the Alberta-BC border without checkpoints. That is not enough. 10 provinces and territories already have strict interprovincial travel restrictions due to COVID, but BC is not one of them. BC needs strong interprovincial border controls that limit all non-essential travel and enforce mandatory quarantine.”

The petition demands the Province of BC and premier to follow other Canadian jurisdictions to:

  1. Implement enforced checkpoints at interprovincial borders (land, air and sea) to restrict non-essential travel into and out of BC;
  2. Enforce a 14-day mandatory self-isolation quarantine for people travelling into BC.

 “The Prime Minister, federal government, and Canadians support interprovincial travel,” Ma writes. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that he supports travel restrictions between Canadian provinces and territories. The federal government’s website also encourages citizens to follow each province’s travel restriction guidelines as detailed here. According to a recent survey by Research Co, 80% of Canadians support banning non-essential interprovincial travel.”