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Were people 'glamping' in Vancouver's West End 130 years ago? (PHOTOS)

"This is so 1892 of us!"

If you set up a tent at Beach Avenue and Denman Street in 2022 you'd likely be stopped before all the pegs were in the ground.

In 1892 though, the area was a bit more forested and appears to have served as an excellent spot to set up a tent, as shown in these archival photographs.

The photos are of Mrs. Florence Caple and others sitting in front of a tent covered in ferns. Among the items brought along for their time at the beach are a rocking chair, a frankly massive camera and several heavy-looking baskets.

Beach and camping fashion, at the time, appear to be quite different than now as well, with the women in full-length dresses or skirts and topped off with (what looks like) exquisite hats.

It's hard to see what Norman Caple and a boy are wearing in the photos, but hats and long-sleeved jackets are definitely part of their outfits.

The most unusual item in the photos seems to be a pram in the background, crashed into some bushes. Also in the background of the images a small building can be seen, along with a full-on forest. On the edges of the images it appears other tents were set up, including one that may have been a shop, judging by the counter in the middle.

At the time Vancouver was still a small community of around 15,000 and Stanley Park was only a couple of years old.