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Chinese gallery stages tea ceremony to fight ‘coronavirus-led' racism

Sunzen Art Gallery is launching a tea ceremony and tasting to promote positive attitude towards Chinese and raise funds for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Couples around China settled for a quiet Valentine's Day this year, with COVID-19 intruding as an unwelcome third-wheel in romantic celebrations

Sunzen Art Gallery is launching a tea ceremony and tasting to promote positive attitude towards Chinese and raise funds for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19).

“The recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) from Wuhan, China leads to a global concern of this rapidly spreading disease,” said a news release. “While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau states that Canada is standing by China fight against COVID-19, the recent news about several racism cases targeting Asians disappoints a lot of immigrants and people who have lived on this land for many years.”

Graffiti saying “China Virus” has appeared on bus stop billboards. 

To support the knowledge sharing of COVID-19 and promote anti-racism, this Vancouver gallery will host a pay-by-donation event – recreating a warm and casual tea gathering event performed in Chinese family – on Feb. 23 to build connections between people.

The tea ceremony will feature aged Pu’er Tea from the “birthplace of tea” Yunan Province, as well as snack pairings. Flyers about COVID-19 basic information and prevention will be distributed to help people know more about this virus. 100% of the raised fund will be donated to Vancouver General Hospital to support the research and treatment of COVID-19. 

Event Details:

Tea Ceremony and Tasting: February 23rd, 2020, 1:00 – 5:00 PM @ Sunzen Art Gallery, 420 Howe Street, Vancouver.