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Passenger sues Richmond drivers after 4 collisions in Surrey

The man claims he suffered from injuries as a passenger in four crashes within 10 years
B.C. Supreme Court

A man who was a passenger in four different Surrey car crashes in the past 10 years is taking the Richmond drivers to court.

In a law suit filed in August, Hammaadullah Samaak Ahmad named 13 parties he claims are responsible for his injuries after crashes that took place between 2011 and 2020.

Defendants in the case include Richmond Imports Ltd., Richmond Honda Cars and two Richmond residents —Rai Sukhdershan Kaur and Rajiv Sharma.

According to the law suit, the first crash happened in 2011 when Ahmad was a passenger in a car that allegedly collided with Surrey resident Lakhbir Kaur Hehar.

Hehar was driving a car Kaur, who was based in Richmond, leased from Richmond Imports and Richmond Honda.

The second crash took place in 2014, when Ahmad was a passenger in a car struck by two cars including one driven by Surrey resident Santanu Dev.

Ahmad was in a third crash in 2018, when the car he was in collided with Richmond driver Sharma.

Most recently, Ahmad was a passenger in a car that collided with Surrey resident Kenneth James Deschenes in 2020.

Ahmad claims he sustained four sets of injuries from the four accidents, including headaches, injuries to his legs, back, neck, shoulders and knees, low mood and “reduced resistance to illness and disease.”

He added that each subsequent crash following his first accident exacerbated and worsened his injuries from the previous crashes.

Ahmad is claiming damages including his loss of earning capacity, cost of future care, pain and suffering, cost of prescriptions and therapies, as well as other expenses.

He argued the defendants were negligent and thus caused his injuries and losses. In terms of Richmond Imports, Richmond Honda and Kaur, who leased the car, Ahmad claims they failed to ensure the car was mechanically sound and to make sure the driver was able to safely operate the car.

Ahmad recently dropped the lawsuit against individuals driving him at the time, in addition to another driver in the three-car collision back in 2014.

All defendants still named in the lawsuit have denied they were negligent and opposed the relief sought by Ahmad.

In responses to the lawsuit filed on Sept. 1, 2023, the defendants argued Ahmad did not sustain any injury, loss, damage or expense from the collisions. They added if he was indeed injured from the crashes, the injuries were caused by his own negligence for his personal safety.

They further claimed Ahmad was insured at all times under the Insurance (Vehicle) Act and either received or was entitled to receive benefits, which would release the defendants from the liability to pay.

None of the allegations have been proven in court.