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Letter: Running over cones blocking a Burnaby parking space is childish

Editor: Re: If you block your Burnaby street parking with cones, I will run them over , NOW Letters I've read garbage before, but lil’ Kyle's poorly thought-out letter takes the cake.
orange cone cones parking street
You can't block parking spots on a public street.


Re: If you block your Burnaby street parking with cones, I will run them over, NOW Letters

I've read garbage before, but lil’ Kyle's poorly thought-out letter takes the cake.

He offers idiotic suggestions to change Glen Powers' situation: Run for office? Move mobility-challenged parents to a home? Or my favourite, ask the neighbour for parking when he acknowledges it'd never work?

Kyle then talks about entitlement but comes off as whiny when he says he doesn't care about the mobility issues of the elderly, and that he should park where he wants. He suggest Powers ditching the car but doesn't consider getting rid of his own.

Lastly, take it from someone in the field, Kyle, you'd get nowhere with a lawsuit. You honestly think a lawyer is going to ask a judge to award damages when you (intentionally) drive over a rubber traffic cone? What kind of car are you driving that a rubber cone is going to damage it? Truthfully, if you found a lawyer incompetent enough to plead your case, you'd likely be on the hook for court costs of the other party.

I personally have driven over traffic cones myself because I view them as litter on a city street, not private property. Having said that, I leave spaces alone for those that are mobility-challenged or elderly. I'm not so outta shape, insecure or lazy that I can't find another spot.

Think before you write a letter next time, pal.

Kimmy Parhar, Burnaby