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OPINION: This guy is actually whining about ‘making noise’ for Burnaby health heroes

"Dude, read the room."
Front-line health-care workers at Burnaby Hospital respond to a salute from police, firefighters and paramedics. Screenshot/file photo

There’s always someone.

That one person who manages to complain about something that is actually bringing people together and lifting spirits.

If there’s an amazing music festival going on, there are always a few grumps who complain that it’s too loud.

Now, we have someone complaining about the noise people are making each night at 7 p.m. to show support for health-care workers who are risking their lives in hospitals and other medical centres during the COVID-19 pandemic.

His name is Daryl and he didn’t sign his last name to this letter because he’s a coward.

This is his letter:

“I hope this making noise each night for this month to acknowledge health-care workers is over by the end of this month.

I don’t think it’s necessary - we appreciate the hard work that they do.

I shouldn't have go out every day just to get away from this noise-making.

Daryl, Burnaby”

Wow, just wow.

Dude, read the room.

A few minutes of shouting and the clanging of pots and pans while we’re gripped in a horrific crisis.

And you have to leave your house because it’s all too much to take?

Don’t drown in your man tears. Maybe grab a snorkel.

To then take the time to email the local newspaper.

Sorry, dude, but this is such a good thing for Burnaby and so many other communities.

Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.

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