Have you ever wondered how they make the lines on the roads of our city reflective? Did you kinda think it was some sortof reflective paint that they used? Some sort of high tech compound added to the paint at the factory? I did. But I am here today to tell you that it's not! The method is quite old school as a matter of fact, and I only learned this a few weeks ago while watching some city workers paint new lines for parking spots on Mainland in Yaletown.
Essentially, it's a two dude job. One dude pushes the machine that sprays the paint lines and another dude follows that dude with a container filled with super reflective, tiny, glass beads, sprinkling them onto the freshly laid paint. Here's the glass beads dude:
And below is an animation of a sequence I shot of a line being sprayed and beaded. Low tech awesomeness!

And in case you don't believe me, check the bag in the bag of their truck:
If you liked this post I think you'll probably appreciate the one about TREE CLEANING WITH A SNOW MAKER from a few months back.