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Six tips for making great connections at singles social events

Here are some surefire ways to connect with ease when meeting new people at the next singles event you attend
Build meaningful relationships at social events with other singles.

When you're in the dating scene, building meaningful relationships – and possibly even finding companionship – requires a lot more effort than just mutually swiping right on a potential match or introducing yourself to someone who piques your interest. 

Social events, such as the ones hosted by singles social clubs like Events & Adventures, provide an excellent opportunity for singles to meet like-minded individuals, expand their social circles, and potentially find that special someone. However, the prospect of making connections with complete strangers at these gatherings can be intimidating. Rest assured, if you feel nervous, you’re not alone.

Consider these tips to help you make meaningful connections at the next singles social event you attend.

Attend social events you’re interested in

First things first, choose social events that align with your interests and values. This increases the likelihood of meeting people who share your passions and have similar life goals, which will make it easier to connect on a deeper level.

Participating in interactive group activities can be a great way to forge instant camaraderie with others. Whether it's playing a murder mystery game, taking a dance class, or signing up for a cooking workshop, shared experiences can often lead to closer connections.

Be approachable

Approachability is key to making connections. Smile, make eye contact, and use open body language to signal your friendliness. When you appear approachable, others are more likely to strike up a conversation with you, and that can lend its way to a more engaging and in-depth conversation.

Practice conversation starters

Start by mastering the art of small talk by having a few interesting conversation starters up your sleeve, such as “What is the top item on your bucket list?” and “Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?” These questions about one’s hobbies, travels, or favorite media can help to establish comfortable grounds for more meaningful and deeper discussions on shared experiences, perspectives, attitudes, and goals. 

Be a good listener

Listening is just as important as talking. Show genuine interest in what others are saying and ask them follow-up questions. This will demonstrate your interest and establish a genuine connection with people you meet.

Make them laugh

Laughter is often hailed as the universal language, and humour offers a lot of potential in creating an easy atmosphere for connection. By loosening up and cracking a joke or two, you can help navigate the uncertainty of initial interactions and break the ice in a light and warm manner. 

Follow up

Building a connection takes effort beyond the initial meeting. Once you've clicked with a few new connections, make an effort to follow up with them. Send a friendly text, invite them to another singles social event, or suggest attending a group activity to continue getting to know each other better. 

If you’re going to an event organized by Events & Adventures, you can feel at ease knowing you’re brought together by one shared purpose — to meet someone new.

With a presence in Vancouver and other major cities across North America, Events & Adventures offers over 30 activities per month that include an incredible variety of things to do.

So get out there, have fun, and be yourself, and you'll be well on your way to meeting like-minded individuals who may become important people in your life.

To learn more and join in on a variety of events and activities for singles in your area, visit