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Beat the winter blues without breaking the bank

Sponsored: This article offers creative and budget-friendly ways to enjoy winter while managing finances after the holiday season
Photo via iStock

It’s that dreaded time of year when the month is too long and your checking account balance is too short.

Every January we promise ourselves that we will budget better so December doesn’t hit our finances so hard. However, most of us never manage to put those holiday season savings aside as we’re too busy concentrating on getting through the month. When finances ease up, we relax and forget the pain–and our promise to save.

Budget-friendly winter fun

There is a Buddhist story that perfectly illustrates this idea, where two homeless Kankucho birds lived high in India’s mountains. When the sun rose, the birds were bathed in warm sunshine and they would spend their entire day enjoying themselves. However, it became perishingly cold when night fell and they would cry out in pain and vow to make a warm nest the following day. When the day came, they forgot the night’s torment and returned to their carefree ways.

Fortunately, most of us have warm homes to live in and with some clever tricks, we can still enjoy ourselves even on a tight budget.

It always seems easier to find affordable activities in spring and summer, like picnics or a game of ball in the park. Somehow, it is always easier to find inexpensive things to do in the spring and summer months, from picnics to a game of ball in the park. Dark winter evenings aren’t ideal for simply hanging out. We often feel the need to plan an activity and those plans usually come with a cost. 

While the price of tickets to see your favourite band might be spiralling out of reach, there are other ways to have a fun-packed evening’s entertainment that does not need you to break the bank. Even as financial stresses rise in Canada despite interest rate cuts, there are still creative, low-cost ways to have fun.

Guilt-free TV binge for a reset

Often, we find ourselves staying in and binge-watching a favourite TV series and there’s nothing wrong with that if it lifts our spirits and brings us joy. Despite what health experts say about January being a time for a new you, our instincts may simply urge us to relax and do less. Don’t feel guilty for listening to your inner wisdom and taking time to relax after a hectic party season. In fact, maybe we should all aim to launch our new selves in March, rather than January.

At home entertainment

If you’re looking for something more interactive than TV, consider trying online casino gaming. While it seems like fun to try and win money, it’s important to view it as a form of entertainment, which, like any other, comes with costs. The upside is the chance to extend your budget with a jackpot win, though it’s not guaranteed, as casinos are also in it for profit.

However, they are always looking to attract new players, lure back lapsed ones and offer bonuses to tempt you. You might even find free spins and no-deposit bonuses among this month’s casino bonus offers.

Open mic nights

If you’re tired of staying in and crave live music, there should be plenty of affordable options nearby. While big-named bands rock out arena tours cost a fortune, every artist has to start somewhere and they could just be part of an open mic night in your local bar or music venue. Open mic evenings tend to be free to enter and you just need to pay for the cost of anything you consume in the venue, so it can be a very cost-effective night out. Alternatively, maybe you’ve been holding back. Is it time for you to shine?

Get crafty

January can be a great time to try out some new craft skills. You will find plenty of online tutorials to get you up and running with knitting, crocheting or sewing projects that do not need to break the bank. Avoid obsessing over perfection when starting a new hobby. It’s easy to buy all the equipment, only for it to collect dust in the cupboard for months. It’s much better to repurpose items you already have or find treasures at online auctions or thrift stores. Wool can be pricey but unraveling and rewinding an old sweater is rewarding. Turning it into something new feels like getting something for free.

Eating in is the new dining out

Eating out or ordering takeaway can knock a serious hole in our finances. Why not form a supper club with some friends, each preparing a course to enjoy some delicious home-cooked meals together? 

You could try the come dine with me approach, where everyone hosts their own dinner party and you all score each other or you could go for a less competitive approach. Everyone hosts at their home, with each person bringing a course, sharing both the cost and the effort. If you’re all nearby, another fun option is to host a different course at each house.

Let your imagination soar–choose a theme like Thai, Indian, Japanese, Tex-Mex or fusion. Or pick a cuisine that lets you cook together with friends, whether in person or virtually. Sushi, pierogi or dim sum are perfect for a fun, interactive cooking experience.

Winter will not last forever

Whatever you choose to do, remember that winter does always turn into spring and before you know it, you’ll start seeing the first signs of the season’s change.

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