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Snow way! Metro Vancouver forecast includes thunderstorm, heavy rain and flurries

Wintry weather is possible again.
The Metro Vancouver weather forecast includes flurries starting on Feb. 28, 2024, according to Environment Canada.

The Metro Vancouver weather forecast includes another chance for flurries this week — but locals should be more concerned about rainfall than snow.

Starting on Wednesday, Feb. 28, V.I.A.'s Downtown Centre Weatherhood station shows a high of 9 C with temperatures falling to 2 C overnight.

These temperatures are close to seasonal averages, the typical high is 8.8 C with a low of 2.2 C, based on Environment Canada's historical climate data. 

But the real story on Wednesday night is the rainfall. As much as 25 to 40 mm of it could fall by the end of the day, meteorologist Derek Lee told V.I.A. 

"This rainstorm that we are having now is the rainiest day we will have this week," he said. 

The wet weather is expected to continue through Thursday, with rain and showers off and on throughout the day. Isolated thunderstorms are also possible starting in the afternoon around 3 p.m.

Metro Vancouver weather forecast includes flurries

Locals may see some frosted flakes later in the day on Thursday, too. While there is a slim chance to see flurries at sea level, places at elevations of 400 to 500 metres or higher are more likely to see them. 

However, since the atmosphere will be unstable, heavier precipitation could "drag cold air down from aloft" in the form of flurries at lower elevations. 

If there is any snow closer to sea level, daytime temperatures will cause everything on the ground to melt. 

The national forecasting department is calling for a warmer-than-average spring and there's a great deal of confidence behind that prediction, with models indicating an 80 to 90 per cent likelihood that temperatures will average on the milder side.

While March 1 marks the start of meteorological spring, don't expect warm temperatures to roll in immediately. Temperatures just a few degrees above average should persist into next week. 

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