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Finch's Tea House After reading a bunch of the comments on the Pecha Kucha Green Giveaway Page , it would seem that many of us are hyper-clean (long showers, myself included) and concerned about excess packaging with food.

Finch's Tea House

After reading a bunch of the comments on the Pecha Kucha Green Giveaway Page, it would seem that many of us are hyper-clean (long showers, myself included) and concerned about excess packaging with food.

This got me thinking about one of my favourite little charming haunts, Finch's Tea House on Pender St. They wrap their sandwiches with waxed brown paper and raffia, which means that years from now the discarded wrapping from that one lunch you had that time won't exist as a token reminder in a dump somewhere. Also, they look totally adorable.

Fancy sandwiches for fancy people.

There are still tickets for the special green-themed Pecha Kucha Night. You should go.