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Vancouver is home to a thriving fashion industry made up of individuals committed to its growth and success. Get to know these personalities in The Inseam and discover what makes the Vancouver Fashion scene so awesome.

Vancouver is home to a thriving fashion industry made up of individuals committed to its growth and success. Get to know these personalities in The Inseam and discover what makes the Vancouver Fashion scene so awesome.

Photo: courtesy Candace Meyer

When I think of Nicole Bridger, I think of beautiful clothing with a laid back vibe. The quintessential Vancouver label has become recognized for its easy, wearable aesthetic and socially conscious approach.

Much like her own creations, Nicole herself exudes a calm, cool and collected demeanor. With her rich background in the fashion industry, working for heavyweights such as Vivienne Westwood, John Fluevog and Lululemon, Nicole brings a strong perspective to the local scene. She speaks thoughtfully about her collections, with each piece methodically portraying a part of a story. We discuss Nicole’s approach, thoughts and inspirations behind her line.

Valerie Tiu: Can you describe your first fashion memory?

Nicole Bridger: I would say it was when I was six or so, making clothing for my Barbie’s.

VT: What motivated you to start your own line?

NB: I knew at age 16 that I wanted to eventually have my own clothing line. It was just a matter of time to learn what I needed before I was ready.

VT: How would you describe your aesthetic?

NB: Easy and elegant.

VT: Where do you get your inspiration?

NB: Personal and spiritual growth. Each collection is inspired by life lessons that I am learning at the time that I’m designing.

VT: Your philosophy is "Do what is right for the Earth, its People and Spirit." Why is this so important to you?

NB: Our philosophy comes from my own personal values and morals. I believe in treating the planet and each other with love and respect.

VT: You recently presented your Spring 2012 Collection at Eco Fashion Week. Can you talk about this collection?

NB: I love this collection. It is titled “Allowing Grace”. I was at a time where I was yearning for something in my life, and I realized that I just needed to completely let go and allow grace to put my dreams into place in its own time and way. It’s about having faith and surrendering. The colour palette really reflects these emotions.

VT: How does living in Vancouver influence your design approach?

NB: I’m more connected to nature here; I get a lot of inspiration from spending time outdoors. Also, our aesthetic is more laid back which is reflected in the ease and comfort of our garments. I just make it possible to still look elegant while feeling comfortable.

VT: What is your biggest accomplishment to date?

NB: I would say birthing my son. But I’m guessing you’re looking for a business related answer, so I would say opening my store.

VT: Do you have any advice for aspiring fashion designers, or anyone that would like to work in the industry?

NB: Stay true to your heart, it won’t lead you astray. Spend as little as you can in the beginning and never sit on any stock.

Nicole Bridger is available online and at the Nicole Bridger Boutique (2151 W. 4th Ave.).