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Royal ‘razzle dazzle’ prospect falls flat: Canadian poll

Royal ‘razzle dazzle’ prospect falls flat: Canadian poll

The prospect of a "Canadianized" royal couple comes at a cost, and according to a recent Angus Reid Institute poll, a vast majority of Canadians have no interest in paying for the Sussexes’ move to Canada.
Former party leader Andrew Weaver quits Green caucus, will sit as Independent

Former party leader Andrew Weaver quits Green caucus, will sit as Independent

He said he has been thinking for months about how to balance his commitments.
Premier, PM pleased about prospect of royals in B.C.

Premier, PM pleased about prospect of royals in B.C.

“We’re both kind of giddy about this,” said Premier John Horgan.
Man rescued from rough B.C. waters after jumping from seawall

Man rescued from rough B.C. waters after jumping from seawall

He was dressed in a wet suit and holding a GoPro camera.
Weather keeps Trudeau from Victoria; prime minister to chat with premier via video

Weather keeps Trudeau from Victoria; prime minister to chat with premier via video

A snow and windstorm has cancelled Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's trip to Victoria to meet with B.C. Premier John Horgan on Monday.
B.C. guide to attempt — and film — summit of world's third-highest mountain

B.C. guide to attempt — and film — summit of world's third-highest mountain

For every 100 people who climb Everest, only four people climb the 8,600-metre Kanchenjunga.
B.C. buyer out $524 after trying to buy illegal cannabis online

B.C. buyer out $524 after trying to buy illegal cannabis online

Metro Vancouver knitters join worldwide effort to help Aussie animals

Metro Vancouver knitters join worldwide effort to help Aussie animals

Local knitters and sewers are joining a worldwide effort to help animals injured and displaced by the bushfires in Australia.
This B.C. man is calling for help after losing his precious wedding ring

This B.C. man is calling for help after losing his precious wedding ring

"They don't have many possessions left so it was very devastating to lose the ring."
Driver of snowmobile-strapped sedan identified by dashcam footage

Driver of snowmobile-strapped sedan identified by dashcam footage

The car made headlines this past week after a photo of it began circulating around social media.