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Kids Help Phone Homes for the Holidays supports a good cause

Do you love visiting beautifully decorated homes over the holiday season? Then this event is for you.

Do you love visiting beautifully decorated homes over the holiday season? Then this event is for you.

Kids Help Phone Homes for the Holidays is a two-day local fundraising event that aims to improve the mental health and well-being of children and youth. Funds raised from this event will help 6.5 million young people in Canada who may be in need of anonymous and confidential counselling services.

It is Canada’s only 24/7 professional counselling and information service for young people. Since 1989, the service has offered kids, teens, and young adults a critical lifeline of hope and support through their free, anonymous and confidential service.

I have recently joined the committee this year to assist in the Homes for the Holidays tour and I am very excited to say that this year’s lineup of homes both in West Vancouver and the City of Vancouver is outstanding.

This is the 15th year of the home tour and it promises to dazzle even the most discerning tastes. Homes for the Holidays sets the stage for the season’s festivities and has become an annual tradition with many attending year after year. There are countless volunteers, homeowners, designers, retailers, florists and sponsors that participate each season bringing this event to life.

There will be seven homes on the tour this year. Three homes in West Vancouver and four homes in Vancouver. Each home is assigned a fabulous designer, florist and retailer sponsor to decorate the home and inspire you with decorating tips and ideas as well as provide information on where you can purchase many of the items seen on the tour.

Tickets are $60 a person and allow participants a one-time entry into each home. The event takes place Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. For more information, visit