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Our college years are formidable times for exercising independence. You thrive on the excitement of not knowing what will come next and felt like the possibilities were endless.
College hookups


Our college years are formidable times for exercising independence. You thrive on the excitement of not knowing what will come next and felt like the possibilities were endless. It's also during these years that you learn about relationships (sexually to be specific). It's not uncommon for the average college student to rack up their number of sexual partners.

There are many kinds of sexual experiences categorized from how much emotion is involved to what happens in terms of relationship statuses post coitus. However, “hooking up” is probably the most common term out there for a sexual encounter among college students. 

Hookup (def): A sexual encounter (that may or may not involve sexual intercourse) between two people who are brief acquaintances or stranger, usually lasting only one night without the expectation of developing a relationship. [Journal of Social and Personal Relationships]

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Society has pegged the sexually open man to be revered while a woman is often judged in a negative way for the same behavior. So what do young adults really think after they've “hooked up” and what exactly is happening between the sheets when they do?

Science is on the job for this one.

Researchers Elizabeth Paula and Kristen Hayes from the College of New Jersey asked 187 college students between the age of 18-23 years old to tell them about their perception of a typical hookup, what kinds of sexual behaviors occurred during the hookup, how they felt after the hookup and also their best and worst experiences of hookups.

What did college students do before hooking up?

·      43% flirting and attraction

·      32% drinking

·      30% hanging out and talking

·      20.5% attending parties

·      10% dancing

·      5% friend's arrangement

Over 49% of college students reported that the hook ups were planned and 66% of them occurred at a party.

What did college students do during hooking up?

·      41% engaged in sexual intercourse

·      25% kissing

·      26.5% manual stimulation

·      10% oral sex

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How they felt during hookup:

·      65% felt good, excited and aroused

·      17% desirable or wanted

·      17% nothing/focused on act

·      8% regretful or embarrassed

·      7% nervous

·      6% confused

·      5% proud

In most instances, the hookup usually ends when one person decides to leave 56% while some people choose to stay the night 19.5%.

Approximately 98% of people report telling their friend(s) about the hookup. Researchers found that males are more likely to brag while women are likely to talk about the hookup in a detailed manner.

As for best and worst hookups, best hookups were reported to involve some form of flirting, attraction and talking. Worst hookups are usually the ones instigated by friends and usually involved alcohol. Best hookups also usually develop into romantic relationships or friendship.

Source:Elizabeth Paul & Kristen Hayes (2002). The Casualties of 'casual' sex: A qualitative exploration of the phenomenology of college students' hookups. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Amy Yew is a registered clinical counselor and relationship therapist. Tell us what you think and submit any questions you have to [email protected]. You can also tweet your thoughts on Twitter @AmyYew.