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A few weeks ago on the TV show GIRLS, we were introduced to a prevalent issue that we’ve all faced at some point of our lives.
Dream job vs. job security (HBO Girls)


A few weeks ago on the TV show GIRLS, we were introduced to a prevalent issue that we’ve all faced at some point of our lives. Should we follow our dreams or stay in a job that ensures financial security? Hannah finally lands a job at GQ writing some form of coporate advertising which is not the kind of writing she had her heart set on. However, the sensible side of Hannah took the job.

As Hannah’s new boss on the show Jenna Lyons surmised when she tried to quit, “A lot of other people would love to have your job.”  Between the free snacks, job security and benefits following your heart can be difficult if it means starving for the month (or more) for a chance to land your dream job. Although Hannah was hesitant to stay, her first week's cheque (apparently equating to more than one month of her rent) quickly curbed that notion. Clearly, this is a brain versus heart issue.

Most people today aren’t working a single job. It seems like people are doing something “on the side” in addition to their day jobs. Perhaps, jobs that inspire the soul simply don’t pay the way it did anymore. More people are now getting a degree to blanket their cost of living while pursuing their passion. The message that you can have it all in a new generation full of possibilities is at the heart of this matter.

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In a recent survey by University of California Berkeley, 48% of people report that the most important factors are the importance of work and a feeling of accomplishment. Conversely, 40% of survey takers report that it will not be easy to find another employer that will provide the same benefits or more compared to their current job.

Although there are no guarantees for success on the road to following your dreams, there are some ways to ensure that you stay on the right track:

1.     Research the field and connect with someone who is successful in the industry. Find out exactly how much is involved when it comes to reaching that dream job of yours.

2.     If it’s going to take time for you to get to where you need to, find a job that will ensure you time to still pursue your real passion on the side.

3.     Set a time line. There’s nothing worse than swearing a job is just temporary 5 years later.

4.     Be ready to work. Anyone who is successful will tell you that it doesn’t come easy. You may be challenged with obstacles on the way and be open to feedback along the way.

5.     Take on projects that you can add to your resume towards that dream job of yours. It’s great to work on your craft but it also helps to have something you can put in writing.

6.     Have confidence in your strengths and build on that.

7.      You have to start somewhere. Just because you're not there now doesn't mean you won't.

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Just like any head versus heart dilemma, jumping towards impulses of what the heart wants might not always be the smartest move. When we hold back on impulse, it gives us perception that keeps us away from potentially dangerous situations. Be strategic, prepared and take calculated risks. Keep in mind that you don’t have to have it all. You just need the things that matter to you most.

Amy Yew is a registered clinical counselor and relationship therapist. Tell us what you think and submit any questions you have to [email protected]. You can also tweet your thoughts on Twitter @AmyYew.