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There’s something profoundly romantic and simplistic about those “I saw you” or “missed connections” posts. It’s like throwing a message in a bottle in hopes that it will reach that someone you missed out on.
Newspaper and Coffee via pinterest

There’s something profoundly romantic and simplistic about those “I saw you” or “missed connections” posts. It’s like throwing a message in a bottle in hopes that it will reach that someone you missed out on. It’s that guy you made eye contact with that you never mustered up the courage to say hello to or that cute girl in the grocery store you asked if she knew what isle the ketchup was in.  So far, a reoccurring theme appears to surround people meeting at the gym or grocery stores for what its worth.

I first heard about “I saw you” and “missed connections” posts from a friend who swears by it. Naturally, I went on to check it out and these posts are my now my pick me up read for the day. I would say it runs a close second to the Page Six of the New York Post for entertainment value.

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While most people typically think twice about initiating conversation with someone in a random setting, some of the best connections are made through that. Men in Vancouver report that it’s unlikely they will initiate conversation with a woman in random settings because Vancouver women are often more closed off and harder to reach which makes it a challenge to not seem like a weirdo.

It’s ironic when you think about the number of women who post on the missed connections forums. Looks like at least some women wouldn’t mind a hello.

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A few of our favorites from the “I saw you” forum in The Georgia Straight to delight your day:

Skytrain Ride in Vancouver posted Monday, January 6, 2014 at 10:52pm

We rode the skytrain together at about 6:00pm earlier tonight (Monday, January 6th). I think you got on at Granville. I thought you were going to sit next to me so I moved over to make room, but you sat across from me and we exchanged a couple of looks. You were reading a book, and we both broke out laughing when an Indian man sitting next to you starting talking loudly on his cell phone. I was able to compose myself pretty quickly, but you had to hide behind your book for a good minute because you were laughing so hard. I was hoping to have a chance to talk to you, but you got off at Holdom before I could pluck up the courage. I was wearing a black hoodie and a Boston Red Sox hat. You had dark hair and were wearing a dark winter jacket. I'd love to take you out for coffee sometime! Message me with the title of the book you were reading (it was a memorable one.)

When: 2014-01-06 00:00:00 Where: Granville to Holdom


You in your truck, me on my bike posted Friday, January 3, 2014 at 2:34pm

I was riding west on 10th Ave. Indigo blue pants, black leather jacket, happy, glowing, wearing a helmet. You were driving slowly east in your truck... we looked at each other & I kept your steady, sexy gaze ... you then moved toward your open window and kind of hung out of it. I kept riding, listening to my music and thought "hola, hot" as I broke out into a big smile and rode away. I'd love to get a better look at you and your truck ;) Coffee? ps: consider yourself flattered: this is my very first "I saw you" post! :)

When: 2014-01-03 00:00:00 Where: 10th Ave btwn Main and Kingsway


Whole Foods in Kits posted Monday, December 30, 2013 at 7:08pm

You shaved head wearing black North Face or Arcteryx, me long blondy-brown hair with bangs. We were in cashier line...You asked me what I was eating and I said "Chicken and Chickpea Soup" asked if "it was good??". We wished each other Happy Holidays....

When: 2013-12-22 00:00:00 Where: Whole Foods on West4th in Kits

Amy Yew is a registered clinical counselor and relationship therapist. Tell us what you think and submit any questions you have to [email protected]. You can also tweet your thoughts on Twitter @AmyYew.