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I’ve had many questions come in throughout the year about eyelash extensions or rather tricks on elevating one’s eyelash game.
Q&A with eyelash expert Judy Anderson


I’ve had many questions come in throughout the year about eyelash extensions or rather tricks on elevating one’s eyelash game. I must admit right out of the gate that I’m no pro on eyelash extensions because up until recently I rarely even wore mascara unless I was going somewhere special. I decided to use this opportunity to bulk up on my knowledge and asked industry expert on lashes Judy Anderson from Lash Lab all about eyelash extensions.

Here are some of my recommendations:

-If you’re a chronic eye rubber and looking for an affordable investment, go with strip lashes which you can simply glue on yourself. It will cost you around $30 and you can wear it up to 25 times. If you go into Lash Lab at Beauty Mark, they’ll even cut it down to fit your eye length and give you a tutorial on application and caring for your lashes so it lasts longer.

-Consult an expert to make sure that you’re putting on your lashes correctly (they have all kinds of tricks).

-Choose a brand of glue that has no formaldehyde like Ancy eyelash adhesive (available at Beauty Mark).

-Don’t go over the top. You want your lashes to look natural and not clearly fake.

-If you decide to simply stick with mascara, I recommend Peter Thomas Roth’s Lashes to die for mascara.

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Judy Anderson
Q&A with lash expert Judy Anderson

Q: What kind of investment and care is a person looking at when considering lash extensions?

A: Done properly, extensions is a detailed and labor intensive service that should take between 1.5 hours or more depending on the set. The initial full set will run you $200 to $300 and fills every 2-3 weeks which are $75 to $99. The good news is, we do lashes properly, and there is no need to break or repay for a new set. Once you are started, just keep on your fill schedule and you will thank us for the time saved getting ready in the morning. For many busy professionals and moms, lashes is a necessary expense that gives them time back otherwise spent getting ready.


Q: How long do they last? Are there certain types that last longer?

A: The life of extensions vary from person to person depending on factors including health, medications, hygiene and care. We require fills within 3 weeks and not longer, because the growth at about the 3 week mark (depending on ethnic background) will create added unnecessary weight on the natural lash supporting it. Allowing this to occur time after time, could lead to stress to the lash follicle. Some adhesives on the market boast longer than usual hold time, but truth is... you have to watch out for those preservatives. Just because it’s marketed to last up to 8 weeks does not mean its good for you. We standardize on an adhesive made in the USA with a gentle but secure hold. We standardize on thinner more natural looking lashes, that are not heavy or crunchy such that they twist and turn. Our high quality lash as well as real mink material is lighter and thus can last upwards of 3 weeks if you take good care of them. At 3 weeks though, you will want to be back for a touch up because no one wants a half set of lashes on.

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Q: How do you know which kind of lashes suit you?

A: We specialize in looking at our clients’ unique eye shape, strength of natural lashes and brow design to determine which lengths and curls should be used. We have an in depth client intake/consultation that will g over many things as well as lifestyle questions and makeup preference which also helps us determine pretty accurately what our client is looking for. At worse case, it’s a 2-3 week wait before your lash evaluation/touch up appointment where we can assess and adjust as needed. Like a doctors office, we keep logs of everything we do each visit and keep you with the same artist. Leave it to us! Your guidance much appreciated if you have a preference but otherwise, leave it to the pros and just relax and enjoy your nap while we lash :)


Q: How do you safely remove the extensions without pulling out your real lashes?

A: Removal is meant strictly for the pros. If you pull on your lashes, you will pull out your natural ones too. If you need a removal, you can do it the old-fashioned way and wait it out until they naturally eventually shed, or come to us for a quick removal using an adhesive solvent (if necessary). 


Q: What is the number one mistake you see the most which decreases the life of lash extension?

A: The first mistake isn't one that the client makes. If you start with a heavier lash for a darker lash line look, they will twist and turn and eventually get pulled out or twisted out by yourself! A reputable salon should advice you against longer fuller, if they know your lash cannot support it. 

The next number one post service mistake is poor hygiene. Many people forget that in addition to not using oil products, that our bodies produce natural oils. If you aren't properly cleansing with oil free products, your oil glands will be equally as bad as cream liner pencils. The oil gets between your lash and the extension, where the bond of the adhesive is broken and your extension slips off. 


Lash Lab is located in Beauty Mark on 1268 Pacific Blvd in Vancouver BC.


Amy Yew is a contributing columnist at Vancouver Courier and a fashion and style writer. She is also a Lucky Magazine community contributor. Tell us what you think and submit any questions you have to [email protected]. You can also tweet your thoughts @AmyYew.


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