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Robertson and Anton play election politics

To the editor: Re: "Robertson's Riot, Suzanne's Scabs sure to be election slogans," Aug. 18. It's the usual cheap politics that stands behind the NPA attempt to tag Gregor Robertson with responsibility for the Stanley Cup riot.

To the editor:

Re: "Robertson's Riot, Suzanne's Scabs sure to be election slogans," Aug. 18.

It's the usual cheap politics that stands behind the NPA attempt to tag Gregor Robertson with responsibility for the Stanley Cup riot. Having said that, we should all be concerned about Suzanne Anton's attempt to dodge the issue of the use of scabs by NPA campaign chair Peter Armstrong in his dispute with the unionized employees at the Rocky Mountaineer company. This move reveals where she stands on this fundamental issue.

By the same token, however, the absence of Gregor Robertson's name on the pro-labour letter may well indicate-as Tom Sandborn suggests-that Robertson is taking a pass on signing, so as not to tarnish his image with the more right-wing segments of Vancouver's voting population.

Meanwhile, the NPA and Vision Vancouver each remain beholden to their own set of real estate developers. All of this compels me to concur with Sandborn's contention that "It makes more sense to think of Vision as NPA Lite than as Leninism on a bike."

Sid Shniad,
