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P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }A:link { } The all natural organic wave has hit Vancouver like no other.


The all natural organic wave has hit Vancouver like no other. You can now find gluten free products in nearly any grocery store and even fashion designers have adopted the eco-friendly route when it comes to their products. It seems like nail lacquers are hot on its trails too. I'm no stranger to people complaining about the strong smell of nail lacquers when they walk into my home shortly after an application. You'll usually find me scrambling just before a dinner party putting a coat of polish on since I don't want to disturb my nails while prepping for the night. It often leads me to think that the strong smell associated with the polish probably isn't all that great for your nails to begin with especially when you take a look at the long list of hard to pronounce ingredients on the back label.


La Couleur Couture (LACC) is Vancouver based brand that offers a natural alternative for nail lacquer. Founder and creative director Farima Hakkak's goal was to provide women with a great quality product in the most healthy way possible. The LACC brand is now carried at 16 boutiques in British Columbia including Secret Location and over 750 Shoppers Drug Mart across the country. The polishes are gluten free, toxic free, paraben free, cruelty free, high pigment, high shine and fast drying. We were so excited and went straight to Farima to ask some burning questions we have about her new line.

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Farima Hakkak on LACC:

Farima Hakkak

Q: I've read that you're born in Iran, raised in San Francisco and currently reside in Vancouver. Why did you choose to settle in Vancouver?

A: I moved to be with my former husband, who lived in Vancouver.

Q: Your product is ECO conscious in many ways, what motivated you to create a product with those elements?

A: I wanted to create a product line that's safe for everyone, including cancer patients, pregnant women and children. I also wanted my line to be cruelty free. I strongly believe in ethical business, and do not want my products to cause any harm.

Q: What colors for nails are trending for summer?

A: Light reds are always popular for the summer (like lacc beauty's No.1945), along with corals, pinks and turquoise.

LACC 1945

                                Photo (above): LACC 1945

Q: How long will an application of polish generally last?

A: It all depends on your application technique, and how much abuse your nails go through, but it is anywhere between 3 to 5 days. I‘ve noticed that one coat of lacquer on bare nails last the longest, and it is so easy and fast. That is what I have been doing lately.

Q: Do you have any nail secrets or regiments you swear by?

A: Rub your hand cream into your cuticles every night before you sleep. You will have less chipping.


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10 questions with Farima Hakkak on everything else: 
1. One beauty product you treasure the most: Cheek and lip stain. 

2. Who was your high school celebrity crush: When I was very young it was Elvis Presley, and high school it was Don Johnson.

3. Heels or flats: Both, it depends on what I wear and where I am going.

4. One thing from your bucket list: Design more leather bags for myself!

5. Cupcakes or donuts: Cupcakes.

6. Your favourite shopping destination in Vancouver: Shoppers Drug Mart. It is an incredible feeling to walk in and see lacc beauty on the shelves!

7. One piece or two piece swim suit: One piece.

8. Favourite quote: "A girl should be two things: who and what she wants." ~Coco Chanel

9. Favourite animal: Bunnies.

10. What was your favourite and least favourite subject in school: My favourite subject was French- but for me, in many ways, the best education was getting lost for hours in the fashion, beauty and international magazine stands. Computer Science and Accounting were my least favourite subjects.


Amy Yew is a contributing columnist at Vancouver Courier and a fashion and style writer. She is also a Lucky Magazine community contributor. Tell us what you think and submit any questions you have to [email protected]. You can also tweet your thoughts @AmyYew.


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