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Museum of Anthropology at UBC reopens as a place for lively learning

Museum of Anthropology at UBC reopens as a place for lively learning

The upgraded museum has ushered in new ways for local First Nations to reconnect with its pieces, says curator of Indigenous engagement Damara Jacobs-Petersen of the Squamish Nation
A former Liberal's Conservative prescription for B.C.

A former Liberal's Conservative prescription for B.C.

John Rustad pledges to cut carbon taxes, build more LNG plants, get tough on crime and drugs.
Rob Shaw: Eby happy to knock heads with Trudeau over federal spending

Rob Shaw: Eby happy to knock heads with Trudeau over federal spending

B.C. premier outlines specific demands to PM, including disaster funding and infrastructure support
Opinion: Hiking B.C.’s minimum wage won’t meaningfully alleviate poverty

Opinion: Hiking B.C.’s minimum wage won’t meaningfully alleviate poverty

British Columbia's minimum wage has recently risen to $17.40, the highest among the provinces
Official bilingualism in Canada a 'myth,' says new poll

Official bilingualism in Canada a 'myth,' says new poll

Asked whether it's important for Canada to remain officially bilingual, 83 per cent of Quebecers said it was; nearly half that number — 43 per cent — in the rest of Canada agreed.
Editorial: No-fault needs to be fair to accident victims

Editorial: No-fault needs to be fair to accident victims

Financial awards are determined by ICBC, the same agency that must pay those sums. A clearer conflict of interest could not be found.
Eby's baby countdown brings B.C. election campaigning forward

Eby's baby countdown brings B.C. election campaigning forward

VANCOUVER — British Columbia's election is four months away, but Premier David Eby staged a campaign event Thursday in Vancouver ahead of what he says is a personal count down — next week's expected birth of his family's third child.
Senators approve bill to fight foreign interference after voting down amendment

Senators approve bill to fight foreign interference after voting down amendment

OTTAWA — The Senate has passed a government bill intended to help deter, investigate and punish foreign interference amid concerns the legislation received inadequate scrutiny and could unduly infringe on basic freedoms.
City of North Van mayor blasts Metro Vancouver over sewage plant fiasco

City of North Van mayor blasts Metro Vancouver over sewage plant fiasco

Mayor Linda Buchanan says there is a lack of fiscal ‘discipline and transparency’ in the regional government
National security adviser defends cabinet confidence in foreign meddling probe

National security adviser defends cabinet confidence in foreign meddling probe

OTTAWA — No amount of cajoling, wild hand gestures or outright hostility from opposition MPs could make Democratic Institutions Minister Dominic LeBlanc budge from his insistence Thursday that the government is not hiding any relevant documents or in