Imagine 1 Day gets a Taco #Lovemob
How would you surprise your favourite charity? Here’s one idea: sneak in the back door of their office at lunchtime with a huge order of the city’s best tacos. Think it would work? Just ask the folks Imagine 1 Day, a charity founded by Lululemon CEO Chip Wilson that builds schools and provides educational materials for kids in Ethiopia.
They call it a #Lovemob. First, Chimp let staffer Michelle in on the secret plan. Then yesterday, as part of community blogger Marc Smith’s current #30DaysofKindness campaign, a clan of folks from restaurant Tacofino, lunch delivery service, and online charity giving tool Chimp crashed the offices of Imagine 1 Day with armloads of tacos for their hardworking staff. And then the lovemobbing group moved on to surprise Charity #2...
At A Loving Spoonful we snuck in with parcels from David's Tea, boxes of Panago Pizzas and customized stationary from Dani Press, the group from Chimp and Marc Smith surprised a band of Canucks staffers during Live To Give Day where they were working hard to package up and deliver meals for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Surprise, pictures, and chowing down ensued. Not a bad day at the office! Visit 30 Day Adventures for more random acts of kindness.