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Living right next to Burnaby has it's perks for me. Watering your lawn in Vancouver is about as bad as not picking up after your dog, or riding your bike the wrong way around the seawall. It's just a plain no-no....

Living right next to Burnaby has it's perks for me.  Watering your lawn in Vancouver is about as bad as not picking up after your dog, or riding  your bike the wrong way around the seawall.  It's just a plain no-no....Burnaby with it's more suburban roots, has a slightly different take on lawn care.

I guess I could judge these people, brow beat them, 'I'm right, you're wrong' 'em.... naw...instead.....I just run around on their lawn and cool off.....CARTWHEEL!!!

It's win-win...they think twice about watering their lawn....I get wet.....
