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So one of the benefits of the promoting game is getting the free hook ups and good seats. Above is shots from the Vancouver concert last night at GM Place.

So one of the benefits of the promoting game is getting the free hook ups and good seats. Above is shots from the Vancouver concert last night at GM Place. I'm not a huge Lil Wayne fan (like not love), but some of the tracks can get stuck in the brain.

We all know Weezy has been known to rock some skate gear now and then, but I was pretty surprised that he was up on Altamont. He was also wearing a Zero hat, KR3W denims and Supra shoes. Who's his stylist? Note the tight jeans...and for a hip-hop guy. And Weezy's not the Lupe, Kid Cudi or more of those so called 'hipster hop' (lol) guys.

It was pretty funny as I pretty much should have brought my 'stunners' aka sun glasses to protect me from all the f**king bling that was bedazzled onto all the Affliction and Ed Hardy that was in the crowd. I honestly couldn't find any steez in the over 12,000 person 'sold out' show.

As I looked around at all these people that want to emulate their 'heros', I thought 'do these people know what Weezy is wearing?'. 'would they ever even know where to buy it?'. It's always a weird thought process when you see celebs rocking skate gear that don't skate or come from any skate background. Think back to Pharell and 'Indy' shirts.

At the same time the Skytops that he was wearing, no skater would ever wear those to skate in. Are rappers getting hip to the game as far as gear goes? Or is the gear catering and trying to capture wider audiences? A little bit of both perhaps.

I wasn't mad at the fact that he was wearing the tee. At least he had to go support a skate shop to buy it.