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VIA Official Schramm Vodka Taste Test

Now let me first state that I am no Vodka expert, nor are any of the others that took part in this vodka sampling. However, today or in years past, at some point we may have all been vodka enthusiasts. Even if it was just for a night, or two, or..


Now let me first state that I am no Vodka expert, nor are any of the others that took part in this vodka sampling. However, today or in years past, at some point we may have all been vodka enthusiasts. Even if it was just for a night, or two, or.. well, never mind. Either way, I deem that enough to represent VIA as the official taste tester of B.C.’s own Schramm Vodka! (Thanks to Bobbo and the people at Schramm for the opportunity)

On a recent trip to escape the big city, me and me mates hit the open seas to visit the small city on the rock, Victoria. After dinner and a couple of golden throat charmers I propositioned my amigos and our lovely hosts into a surprise sampling of the goods. The catch? No mix, as recommended by the liquorateers at Schramm Vodka and only one ice cube per glass, due to a dwindling supply in the icebox.

Now I know you are thinking, that we might as well have gone rummaging under the bathroom sink for a bottle of rubbing alcohol and nobody would know the difference. Well, indeed not. In fact in the end the recommendation was gladly welcomed as this is certainly a vodka with a very unique and pleasant taste and can stand on it’s own two feet.

Now as an enthusiast and not an expert I don’t feel it is right for me to go in to what notes and hints of what I thought I might have tasted in there and instead will just say that there was a slight spicy sweetness (yes, yes, all angles covered) in there, perhaps due to the organic Pemberton potato, and that it was well complimented with one bite brownies. I am only to assume that B.C.’s pure mountain waters leant to the vodka’s easy finish.

I do recommend that you, this weekend, right now, go out and grab a bottle of Schramm’s, something to keep you warm (wink wink) and after getting off your lazy ass and baking your own damn brownies, settle down to a night well spent.

Bottoms up.