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UBC student group to protest for a say in Board of Governors decision-making process

The groups asks for "accountability, transparency, and inclusion of the UBC student body."
The student group Divestment Coalition is holding a protest on March 24, 2023, to ask for a seat in the UBC Board of Governors meeting in June.

A group of UBC students will be rallying to get a say in the university's decision-making process.

The "No More Blood Mooney UBC" protest is organized by the Divestment Coalition to call on UBC's Board of Governors to "create just divestment and reinvestment policies and ask for accountability, transparency, and inclusion of the UBC student body in conversations about investments," reads a news release.

The demonstration will take place Friday, March 24, starting at 2 p.m. outside the AMS Student Nest and marching to the President’s office at Walter C.
Koerner Library.

Through the protest, which aims to raise awareness of the impacts of UBC's current investments, the student group asks UBC for a seat in June's Board of Governors meeting.

"Our list of proposals includes specific divestment from companies complicit in mining injustices, violations of Indigenous rights and attacks on land defenders, Israeli apartheid, mass incarceration, and military technologies, as well as reinvestment into communities long exploited and excluded from the financial wealth of the system," says the news release.

Divestment Coalition encourages the university to reinvest funds towards social, economic, and environmental change that improves the lives of its students and communities.

The UBC Vancouver campus is no stranger to student protests, from demonstrations opposing the coning of a local eagle nest to a climate activist superglueing his hand to the library doors.