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Semi truck catches fire near Massey Tunnel ahead of Tuesday evening commute

Semi truck catches fire near Massey Tunnel ahead of Tuesday evening commute

A vehicle fire has forced the closure of the right lane of Highway 99 southbound between the Massey Tunnel and the first Delta exit, just as the evening commute has gotten underway.
Technology throwing work-life balance out of whack in B.C.

Technology throwing work-life balance out of whack in B.C.

When Research Co.asked employed British Columbians recently about their work-life balance, a third of respondents (33%) described it as “perfect.”
Vancouver’s plastic straw ban coming in spring 2020

Vancouver’s plastic straw ban coming in spring 2020

Vancouver city council Monday night approved revised dates for the bans on plastic straws, and foam cups and takeout containers.
Woman brandishes machete in dispute over parking spot at B.C. Costco

Woman brandishes machete in dispute over parking spot at B.C. Costco

A dispute over a stolen parking spot in the Costco parking Sunday lot led to one woman brandishing a machete.
Canada's new $10 bill voted #1 banknote in the world

Canada's new $10 bill voted #1 banknote in the world

Canada's new $10 bill featuring Nova Scotia human rights icon Viola Desmond has been named banknote of the year by the International Bank Note Society.
Water restrictions back in effect for Metro Vancouver

Water restrictions back in effect for Metro Vancouver

On Wednesday, May 1, Metro Vancouver’s annual lawn watering regulations will come into effect, part of an effort to conserve drinking water supplies during the dry, heat of summer.
Horgan’s office knew of ride-hailing political problems six months before public did

Horgan’s office knew of ride-hailing political problems six months before public did

Premier John Horgan’s office was warned of possible ride hailing political problems seven months before conflict of interest allegations were were directed at the committee examining the issue, documents released under access to information laws show.
71-year-old grandfather climbs tree to protest Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

71-year-old grandfather climbs tree to protest Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

A 71-year-old grandfather says he is perched 30 metres up a tree overlooking Metro Vancouver's Burrard Inlet as he begins a mid-air demonstration against the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.
Apartment parking spots going unused in Metro Vancouver

Apartment parking spots going unused in Metro Vancouver

There continues to be an excessive number of parking spots at apartment buildings in the region that are not being filled up with cars.
B.C. government to change Employment Standards Act

B.C. government to change Employment Standards Act

The B.C. government on April 29 unveiled plans to amend the Employment Standards Act to do what Labour Minister Harry Bains believes will protect children.