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Get well, Nardwuar!

Get well, Nardwuar!

Each week I join our friends at The Peak 102.7fm to talk about One Awesome Thing in Vancouver. Today that thing is Nardwuar the Human Serviette, and the fact that he survived a stroke (as I WROTE ABOUT earlier this week).
Some of Vancouver's Craziest News Stories Ever

Some of Vancouver's Craziest News Stories Ever

In the midst of the endless stream of tweets, posts and updates that fill your social media feeds, there will always be those odd, quirky or downright bizarre stories that make waves in the world of current events.
Good News Roundup for December 7, 2015

Good News Roundup for December 7, 2015

It’s not all doom and gloom out there in the local media. Bad news dominates the news cycle but even we can’t accuse the mainstream outlets in Vancouver of focusing exclusively on the negative.
Good News Roundup for December 1, 2015

Good News Roundup for December 1, 2015

It’s not all doom and gloom out there in the local media. Bad news dominates the news cycle but even we can’t accuse the mainstream outlets in Vancouver of focusing exclusively on the negative.
A boy and his horse on Hastings in 1897

A boy and his horse on Hastings in 1897

Here's another gem we dug out of the City of Vancouver Archives. This one shows a boy and his horse hanging out on Hastings near Carrall in the year 1897.
CBC podcast explores how awe affects society

CBC podcast explores how awe affects society

If you were listening to CBC Radio One yesterday you were lucky to catch the episode of Tapestry where Mary Hynes explored the feeling of awe.
A collection of Star Wars illustrations from artist Meg Robichaud

A collection of Star Wars illustrations from artist Meg Robichaud

It's always inspiring to see people following their dreams and pursuing creative pursuits. Such is the case with Vancouver (by way of Ottawa) illustrator Meg Robichaud who "draws for $$$".
Good News Roundup for November 23, 2013

Good News Roundup for November 23, 2013

It’s not all doom and gloom out there in the local media. Bad news dominates the news cycle but even we can’t accuse the mainstream outlets in Vancouver of focusing exclusively on the negative.
Good News Roundup for November 17th, 2015

Good News Roundup for November 17th, 2015

It’s not all doom and gloom out there in the local media. Bad news dominates the news cycle but even we can’t accuse the mainstream outlets in Vancouver of only focusing on the negative.
This one-man hydroplane boat could be yours

This one-man hydroplane boat could be yours

I came across THIS little slice of awesome while perusing Craiglist this weekend.