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Opinion: Bif Naked's unlicensed CBD brand may protect against COVID-19

Opinion: Bif Naked's unlicensed CBD brand may protect against COVID-19

Naked's company made unfounded health claims early in the pandemic
Public support runs high for sidelining violence in hockey, poll finds

Public support runs high for sidelining violence in hockey, poll finds

Bans on fighting, head shots in pro hockey have approval of majority of Canadians, survey finds.
‘Lunatic’ Burnaby neighbours buried her car in snow for parking in space they cleared

‘Lunatic’ Burnaby neighbours buried her car in snow for parking in space they cleared

Should she have parked in a street space that someone else had cleared off?
Opinion: Vancouver's single-use item 'ban' offers help for lazy bastards

Opinion: Vancouver's single-use item 'ban' offers help for lazy bastards

The shine of paper bags wears off pretty quick when hauling them in the rain
Cover your face, wear a hat and stay hydrated to exercise safely through the winter

Cover your face, wear a hat and stay hydrated to exercise safely through the winter

Preparing for being active in cold weather can help keep us safe and increase our enjoyment
Opinion: It’s a new year, time for a new approach to end overdose

Opinion: It’s a new year, time for a new approach to end overdose

New year's resolutions for the Canadian and B.C. government to end the overdose crisis
Canada isn't responding with foresight when it comes to COVID-19

Canada isn't responding with foresight when it comes to COVID-19

Canada’s strategy must include global engagement. Without it, we will be living on borrowed time, waiting for a new variant, a new booster, a new quick fix
Opinion: Mayor and council should donate Empty Homes Tax revenues to Vancouver realtors

Opinion: Mayor and council should donate Empty Homes Tax revenues to Vancouver realtors

Another gift from Mayor McCheese?
Opinion: 'Free punch in the face' for anti-maskers sign offers much-needed levity

Opinion: 'Free punch in the face' for anti-maskers sign offers much-needed levity

It's not a threat, it's a joke
Opinion: Omicron is a game-changer in B.C. - just don't call it 'mild'

Opinion: Omicron is a game-changer in B.C. - just don't call it 'mild'

Take these steps to stay healthy