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The best public washrooms I've seen in awhile...

The best public washrooms I've seen in awhile...

While attending my cooking class at City Square, I was feeling a bit nostalgic, on any given day throughout the entire time I went to school, possibly the best thing that might happen to me in the course of a day might be taking a bathroom break.
Over The Bridge and Far Away

Over The Bridge and Far Away

A few days ago, a friend of mine took me to her favorite hidden secret road in the city, one that goes over the bridge at Main and Alexander, winding up parallel to the train tracks and behind the buildings on along Gastown's Alexander and Water stre

Paddle Boat

I've been seeing a paddle boat roaming around the past month or so. Here is a short video of it and with the seabus and another small boat all crossing over their paths. httpv://


Does anybody know what the deal is with the characters that seem to be on the backs of a lot of these green Vancouver Parks and Rec signs around town? Is it commissioned by the city or is this the work of a street artist?
"VELO-CITY: Vancouver & the Bicycle Revolution"AT THE MUSEUM OF VANCOUVER (THE MOV)

"VELO-CITY: Vancouver & the Bicycle Revolution"AT THE MUSEUM OF VANCOUVER (THE MOV)

Opening today and running until September 7th at the Museum Of Vancouver is an exhibit called Velo-City , and it's all about bicycles and bicycling in this city of ours! Like the two other exhibits I've seen at the museum (the Sasquatch one and the S
2nd street house

2nd street house

This house on 2nd street east over here in North Van is very tempting to sneak into. Anybody have a big ladder?


How a project of this magnitude doesn't cross one's radar (mine) until a couple of weeks before it's 799 million dollars in and has almost been completed can really only be attributed to the fact that they (I) don't leave the city center all that muc

Strath Killas

After a schizophrenic Vancouver winter , summer appears to be making a fierce intro. And that means tons of skating.


Okay, so driving west on Southwest Marine Drive through the endowment lands, right before you get to UBC there's a Scenic Viewpoint where you are provided with a view of the ocean leading east into the Fraser River and over to the airport.
Community Centers: Kensington

Community Centers: Kensington

Until recently, I didn't even know where half of the community centers were in Vancouver... Mostly living near the west side, the east side of Van was a bit foggy for me... but I'm getting better.