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Look up for once. (See just how the sun sets in the sky.

Look up for once. (See just how the sun sets in the sky.)

Yesterday evening I went for a bike ride around the Stanley Park Loop and stopped at Third, as per normal (if you can call sunsets like the one above normal, then you can count yourself lucky).

A gentleman (who later would identify himself as a "world renowned author") informed me that I had just missed ... a whale! "Typical!" I thought. I asked the lifeguard if he had seen the whale and he said, "It's a whale, it's pretty hard to miss. He's been here all day." Apparently the whale had been chilling in English Bay and had moved towards Third in the afternoon. By the time I got there he (I just have a feeling he's a rogue young man) had moved towards Siwash Rock and Coal Harbour. My feelings were hurt. I felt neglected.

With that, I took off running to where the water hits the sand. "Whaaaaaaaale!" I called. (This may seem strange, except I heard others shouting, "Baleen!")

And then ... this.

It's a lot of pictures, I know but ... it's a whale! In the harbour! Visiting me!

He moved past Third and carried on to Kits, at which point got back on my bike. I rounded a corner on the seawall and then - ta-da! - this huge beast was emerging out of the water just a few meters from me. It was magical and I hope he returns.