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Vancouver theatres screen 1984 in solidarity with cinemas across North America

Considering that we live in a world where reality TV star and human Cheeto Donald Trump is ruler of the most powerful country in the world, white supremacists are now called the alt-right, mainstream media outlets are labelled fake news and outright
The Rio and Vancity Theatre will screen the film adaptation of George Orwell’s prescient novel 1984 on Tuesday, April 4 in conjunction with more than 140 other theatres in Canada and the U.S.

Considering that we live in a world where reality TV star and human Cheeto Donald Trump is ruler of the most powerful country in the world, white supremacists are now called the alt-right, mainstream media outlets are labelled fake news and outright government lies are rebranded as “alternative facts,” it’s not surprising that George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 has landed back on the best sellers list nearly 70 years after it was first published. Plus, who can resist a story about a totalitarian state where the government persecutes independent thinking and war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

To that end, the Rio and Vancity Theatre will be screening the film adaptation of 1984 in solidarity with more than 140 theatres across North America, Tuesday, April 4.

The date is also significant as it’s the day Orwell's protagonist, Winston Smith, begins rebelling against his oppressive government by keeping a forbidden diary. The movie, fittingly released in the year 1984, stars John Hurt, who died this January at the age of 77.

According to organizers, the screenings are part of “a grassroots movement promoting free speech, unity and dialogue.”

Donations will be collected at Vancity’s 9 p.m. screening to support the BC Civil Liberties Association.

On the other hand, you could always just sit at home splayed across the sofa and tell yourself laziness is activity, body odor is perfume and your gravy-stained jogging pants are superhero clothes. 

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