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A miniature model of the McBarge!

A miniature model of the McBarge!

I was recently contacted by a local artist who chose to remain anonymous but wanted to share this (AMAZING) creation: the classic McBarge from Expo86 in miniature form, in a salt shaker! Of the piece " Wafflebored " says "I love ship models in bottle
15 Historical Vancouver Snow Photos

15 Historical Vancouver Snow Photos

15 Historical Vancouver Snow Photos By Vancouver Is Awesome It has already begun snowing on Whistler, so we thought we'd put together a few local photos from the city to get you prepared for what may or may not be a long winter.
This might be the worst (best) Woodward's commercial ever

This might be the worst (best) Woodward's commercial ever

Just another archival video gem from our friend Rob Richardson .

Vancouver History: Mount Pleasant's Origins


Remember when East of Main Street was all ocean, before they filled it in?

It's easy to forget that the False Creek Flats area, just East of Main Street, used to be exactly that: a large tidal flat full of saltwater and shellfish. In fact most people probably don't even realize that it was.

Vancouver’s Biggest Stories of the Decade: The 1980’s


The Interesting Origins of 10 Vancouver Street Names

Do you ever find yourself walking down a street in Vancouver wondering where its seemingly random name came from? Sure Maple, Cypress and Arbutus are no-brainers but what about Cambie? Hastings? How did those names come to be? Here are the answers to

Vancouver's Biggest Stories of the Decade: 1970's


A day in the life of a Vancouver bus driver, 50 years ago (WITH VIDEO)

Here's another archival gem dug up by the Vanalogue folks. In this one we're taken on a day in the life with a Vancouver bus driver 50 years ago.

Day-in-the-life of a Vancouver postman, 1964 (WITH VIDEO)

Here's a sweet day-in-the-life with a Vancouver postman 51 years ago c/o CBUT/CBC by way of Vanalogue . Not only is it interesting to hear all about the dude's work but it's a great snapshot of the city, its architecture, shops etc.