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Sock Rock Disco collects 2,000 pairs of socks for Vancouver’s homeless

"I just think that giving socks is a real simple way of giving the homeless something."
Morgan McDonough held his fourth annual Sock Rock Disco in December at Tactix Gym in Tsawwassen where more than 2,000 pairs of socks were collected and $1,000 in donations which were delivered to the Lookout Society of Vancouver. Photograph By courtesy Ruve McDonough

Youth danced in their socks for the fourth straight year to give back to those in need.

The fourth annual Sock Rock Disco, hosted by South Delta’s Morgan McDonough, was held Dec. 20 at Tactix Gym in Tsawwassen.

Tactix Gym owners Andrea Coulter and Laurian Lapadatu donated the space at no charge, and it wouldn’t have been a sock ‘rock’ without DJ Bobby James spinning the tunes.

The dance called for youth to bring two or more pairs of new, unused socks as admission to the fundraiser. This year 2,000 pairs of socks were collected and presented by McDonough to the Lookout Society of Vancouver on Dec. 30.

A big portion of the collected socks came from the Delta Police Department, which donated 400 pairs of socks thanks to A1 Sports.

“Morgan McDonough continues to show his compassion and leadership to assist others in need,” said DPD Chief Neil Dubord. “A big thank you Tactix Gym for holding the event.”

McDonough said the support from Dubord and the Delta police was huge.

“The event went great this year,” he said. “Now that I’m in high school we had a lot of new people come out and support as well as the Sacred Heart group all interested in helping out the homeless just like I do. Neil Dubord and the police gave so many socks to us, he shared the event on social media, helped us decorate. He was such a big help.”

McDonough said the donation of socks, along with $1,000 in cash, was the largest overall donation made to the Lookout Society since the fundraising event started.

“I just think that giving socks is a real simple way of giving the homeless something,” he said. “They can’t afford much, so a pair of socks is awesome.”

Read more from the Delta Optimist