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Man makes massive Waterfront station gingerbread house and it looks spectacular

Ever wondered what Waterfront Station would look like smaller and made of gingerbread?

With its brick walls and white columns Waterfront Station already looks a bit like a gingerbread building.

Local man and regular food sculptor Bruce Ng took it a step further and made an actual gingerbread Waterfront Station. With candy cane columns, icing window frames and a tiled roof, the baked version of the iconic building is an impressive feat.

The entire project took just under two weeks to complete, significantly longer than the two years it took for the original (which was just getting underway 100 years ago).

Ng shared the construction process on Instagram, as the pieces came together. Even scaled-down, it was a massive construction project.


A post shared by Bruce Ng (@transcendwebs)

Ng came to our attention last fall, actually, when his skills with knives and gourds were on display. His Vancouver Canucks jack-o-lanterns are eye-catching. He even made one in honour of Dr. Bonnie Henry.

“I got started with just a basic kit,” he told us back in October. “I still use those basic tools. Cheap finger saw from the dollar store, the whole bit.” 

The Waterfront Station desert structure isn't his only foray into Vancouver architecture. He's also created a miniature, edible Woodward's building, Vancouver Art Gallery and Hotel Europe, among others.