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Canada's short-form census feeds Big Government machine

Officials hound census scofflaws

Robertson and Anton play election politics

To the editor: Re: "Robertson's Riot, Suzanne's Scabs sure to be election slogans," Aug. 18. It's the usual cheap politics that stands behind the NPA attempt to tag Gregor Robertson with responsibility for the Stanley Cup riot.

'Natural boundaries' work well in off-leash areas

To the editor: Re: "Advocate accuses park board of inflating dog numbers," Aug. 3. Contrary to Vision Vancouver park board commissioner Aaron Jasper's misleading assertion that "those imaginary lines...

Robertson and Anton play election politics

To the editor: Columnist Tom Sandborn recently wrote about the letter signed by Gregor Robertson's team at city hall criticizing Rocky Mountaineer and its conduct in a labour negotiation.

Letter of the week

To the editor: Re: "Letter of the week," Aug. 17. Former city councillor Peter Ladner wrote to the Courier about replacing tear downs with duplexes or triplexes instead of the mansions that we see being built.

PNE food tour not for the weak of heart or stomach

Do I have any barbecue sauce on my sunglasses? I had to ask another journalist that question Wednesday morning while taking part in a food tour of the PNEs midway.

Good news for downsizing boomers

Condo-size living requires sacrifices

Human interference stirs and destroys great flocks

'Dynamic disequilibrium' at play

Letter of the Week

To the editor: Re: "Dogless reader wants more dog parks," Letters, Aug. 12.

Laneway homes destroy neighbourhoods

To the editor: Re: "Heritage foundation launches search for laneway homes," Aug. 17. Backyard houses are a stupid idea foisted on us by the city in an attempt to increase their tax base.