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I was digging through our web stats yesterday and was slightly dumbfounded to learn that in the last 30 days, 400 different visitors to were on dialup connections. FOUR HUNDRED! That's rad.

I was digging through our web stats yesterday and was slightly dumbfounded to learn that in the last 30 days, 400 different visitors to were on dialup connections. FOUR HUNDRED! That's rad. I get so caught up in my wireless superhyper connection, tapping my fingers if it takes a minute to download a 10MB file, that I didn't even think that dialup was still an option.

Also, luckily for me (and this post) I found this 28800 modem at a garage sale a couple weekends back and had to take a photo of it. I was thinking "Who on earth would buy that?" and now I guess I know: 400 V.I.A. readers! If you're reading this post from a dialup connection please do say hello in the comments.