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My TravelSmart plan paid off!

My TravelSmart plan paid off!

Wow, insuring my little Yamaha BWS scooter right before the Olympics will go down as one of those "What would I ever have done if I hadn't have done that?" ideas because it has seriously made my life so much easier and has allowed me to see a ton mor
Congratulations Jennifer Heil!Canada's Medal Count: 1

Congratulations Jennifer Heil!Canada's Medal Count: 1

Canadian athlete, Jennifer Heil, won the first medal for Canada at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games today! She took the silver in women's moguls at Cypress.
Shane Koyczan’s “We Are More”

Shane Koyczan’s “We Are More”

So did you watch the Opening Ceremonies? I was lucky enough to see the rehearsal and know that one of my favourite Vancouverites (well, Penticton, but close enough!) Shane Koyczan was going to perform for billions of people via the magic of TV.
Mini Olympic Line!

Mini Olympic Line!

So I took a ride on the Olympic Line from Granville Island to the skytrain on Thursday and was very excited to see a Bombardier employee handing out mini cutouts of the streetcar to young-ins on the train: I scored one for a kid stuck at home from sc
TravelSmart during the 2010 Winter Games and win!

TravelSmart during the 2010 Winter Games and win!

Use your Games-time travel plan: instead of driving, try teleworking, ride-sharing/carpooling, cycling, walking, taking transit or working flex hours.


The polka dot , the hobbit , the castle , and just in time for Olympics...... The colour palate is just a little too close to be anything else...
Daily Planet Goes To Vancouver!

Daily Planet Goes To Vancouver!

Cool! One of my favourite shows is broadcasting from Vancouver until February 12th. "Daily Planet Goes to Vancouver"! Right HERE .
The best local coverage of the Games online... is not on V.I.A.!

The best local coverage of the Games online... is not on V.I.A.!

We've got a little bit of coverage, certainly, but if you're into the Olympics, over the next few weeks you might be watching them on CTV, seeing stories about them and highlights from them on other channels, you'll be reading about them in the paper


Dearest BBC, You just totally blew our minds. Holy crap. Love, V.I.A.


Too bad I traded my Wii in for an XBOX! Has anybody played this game? From what it looks like on the official site it's been out for a while now...