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50 Coffees #39 - Mo Dhaliwal

50 Coffees #39 - Mo Dhaliwal

39 weeks ago I read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.
50 Coffees #38 - City Councillor Geoff Meggs... and the Viaducts

50 Coffees #38 - City Councillor Geoff Meggs... and the Viaducts

38 weeks ago I read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.
50 Coffees #37 - Brent Toderian

50 Coffees #37 - Brent Toderian

37 weeks ago I read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.
50 Coffees #36 - Yuri Artibise

50 Coffees #36 - Yuri Artibise

36 weeks ago I read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.
Random Act of Awesomeness: Vancouver company creates online tool to help connect your support network

Random Act of Awesomeness: Vancouver company creates online tool to help connect your support network

What if you didn’t have a network? No inner circle to lean on? When faced with a life challenge, we most often turn to our personal networks of friends and family for help.

Save On Meats and Vancity

Wow! Vancity went all out in producing this video about our friends at Save On Meats in conjunction with the release of the credit union's ANNUAL REPORT . It gave me chills. YOU MUST WATCH IT!

Motomethod motorcycle repair co-op

Have you heard about Motomethod yet? It's Vancouver's only full motorcycle repair shop that also allows you, the rider, to go in and "rent a bay" and repair your own bike, or learn how.
50 Coffees #35 - Robert Fung

50 Coffees #35 - Robert Fung

35 weeks ago I read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.

50 Coffees #34 - David Allison

34 weeks ago I read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.
50 Coffees #33 - Rachel Thexton

50 Coffees #33 - Rachel Thexton

I recently read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.